The Club of the Exalted Elite

Dedicated to the people, projects & protocols that all value privacy & security, the reattainment of control over the web for individuals through decentralized protocols, uncensorable technologies, interoperability, libre & open-source software, & an internet that allows & builds upon the fact that infrastructure costs money, but that people will over time contribute their own services & infrastructure to the network that supports the subsidization of the internet.

A web that supports & builds on the foundational principles the internet forefathers prophesied. The freedom of information. Something we may take for granted of today, but that has changed the world, as we know it.

Paid for by everyone, with the idea that people like to share, create & contribute over time. Not sacrificing the values the internet was created for by lowering the barrier of entry of its use, or selling out its values for corporate profits.

The Alternative

The alternative is small interconnected forums, chat rooms & blogs. Personal websites, with distinct design, text & images. It's a future (or past), that is subsidized collectively by everyone, for the reason of everyone's gain in knowledge, by sharing information, interacting & communicating with people. Because no one is trying to pay for everyone's internet infrastructure, it's a model that supports the majority of people both consuming, but to at some point pay it forward by producing or helping support the internet with their own material or services. This type of internet uses protocols, interconnectivity, large amount of smaller distributors, servers that communicate through the use of these protocol standards. These protocols are the foundation of the internet, but it's trending more & more away from this way of using the internet. Losing its soul.

The internet is not supposed to replace real life, but act as a resource for information sharing, a supporting pillar of reality. The internet used to be a niche place with a relatively high barrier of entry in comparison to today, with a decentralized way of operating, that simply avoided a lot of the problems of today's internet. One may easily forget, centralization of power of the internet is a horrible idea, for the plain reason of, the internet was created to be used between trusted computers, never meant for privacy or security. Decentralization is a bit like only acting within trusted, separate communities of people & places on the internet, splitting responsibility, liability & risk between these server & services operators. With the freedom of information as the foundation of the internet.

Today's internet looks a lot different, with large companies, with big servers, subsidized instead by corporate investors that one day expect large returns. With the modern internet's foundational way of ever making money of free services being through advertising & the sale of personal data for primarily commercial ends.

These corporations do not only deal in questionable ethical practices, but stifles the development of the internet by prioritizing corporate profits, as expected. This means that every app is built from scratch to maintain complete control, does not follow any protocols, or interoperability standards & does at its core not support sharing of information or knowledge, only to the extent it will create profits for them. But it also inherits the problem of scale, when operating with tens or hundreds of millions of users. Having to implement algorithms instead of humans to moderate content, handle government relations & co-operation, social & political pressures while following different principles, not in line with the forefathers of the internet, or its earliest idealists, but instead corporate interests. There simply can never be any trust when it comes to how the internet is structured today.

I salute the exalted people that take the path less traveled by financially supporting, locally supplying services & infrastructure through self-hosting, partaking through use of alternative services & software & those spreading the word through education, discussion & development of the alternative internet.

Exalted Protocols


RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a protocol that provides the ability to "subscribe" to websites through RSS feeds. RSS feeds can be read by any client following the protocol, referred to as RSS clients & allows for a standardized way to view & follow website updates without any content filtering.

Visit the Yarr Website


BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol, meaning anyone can share their files & make them downloadable through a link or a torrent file. Anyone downloading the file can also help support others trying to download it, which makes it support high speed distributed downloads.

This makes the technology highly censor resistant & requires no third-party server to host the files being shared or for the files to have a single point of access, vulnerable to takedown or service denial attacks.

Visit the qBittorrent Website


IRC, or Internet Relay Chat, is a chat protocol that has been around since the 80s, mostly used for group-chats, but does also support one-to-one chatting & file sharing.

The protocol is great for discussions & group communication, having a decentralized nature. IRC also has an underground feel, with rabbit holes, making you feel like Alice, & imbues the hacker ethos.

Visit the Libera Chat Website


XMPP, or Extensible Messaging & Presence Protocol, is a decentralized protocol most often compared to email, by being the messaging equivalent standard. It's like a lot of internet protocols, being used in the background of modern proprietary software, but it is a highly flexible & powerful protocol, with a dedicated community.

It's not without flaws, being without feature-complete & modern cross-platform clients, making it difficult to adapt to by non-technical people easily. But it offers a solution to the dangerously centralized nature of the internet of today.

Visit the XMPP Website
XMPP Clients
Name Android iOS Linux Windows macOS Yes No No No No
Conversations Yes No No No No
Snikket Yes Yes No No No
Siskin IM No Yes No No No
Beagle IM No No No No Yes
Dino No No Yes No No
Gajim No No Yes Yes No
Profanity — Console No No Yes Yes Yes
Converse — Browser No No Yes Yes Yes

Exalted People

A sincere thanks to all the people that create, support & contribute to building a better internet. You know who you are, but sometimes you need a reminder. Asking for nothing in return but gratitude for the bricks being laid down before people's feet, laying the foundation for the future of the internet & the next generation of bricklayers.

Exalted Projects


GrapheneOS is an alternative Android mobile operating system, with focus on privacy & security. Offering additional features, that sometimes even gets adopted by the AOSP, or Android Open-Source Project that every Android uses at its core.

It is well known to support use without Google apps & even allowing you to run the Google Services Framework without special privileges & sandboxed. Although, ironically, it is only supported on the Google Pixel smartphones.

Visit the GrapheneOS Website


F-Droid is the all libre software app store, requiring the ability for the apps to be built from source by them. The store also has different labels for potentially harmful or negative features, called anti-features. It also supports for anyone to create F-Droid app repositories that can be enabled in the app, that are not limited by their strict requirements.

Visit the F-Droid Website


Linux is an operating system that is Open-Source, that is Unix-like & simply is limitless when it comes to the freedom in what you can do & is known for being highly customizable. With different versions, known as distributions of the operating system, for different people & use-cases.

Visit the Linux Website


Monero is simple, it's: The Private Digital Cash Cryptocurrency. It's what everyone thought Bitcoin was, while Bitcoin is every day further & further away from being usable at all. In part due to large centralization of cryptocurrency exchanges, highly advanced AI-driven blockchain analysis tracking software companies & the highly centralized nature of corporate Bitcoin ownership.

Bitcoin brought to the world digital scarcity, Monero builds upon this, making it usable as a currency for alternative markets.

Visit the Monero Website